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Welcome to the world of Unity, otherwise known as Project Unify Unity!An active, open world based, ARPG where you can participate in a multitude of activities and join a welcoming community to take part in events and meet fellows simply playing the game.Here you can find everything you need to join in on the fun with the help of our guides or learn more about how Unity came to be through it's lore and backstory.Whatever it is you're looking for, I'm confident we can find it here!So stick around, take a seat and enjoy the breeze, adventure awaits my good friend.~

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Beginners Guide

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Here you can find out everything you need to know to get started and active in the world of Unity!Here I'll explain things like how to obtain a Make Your Own (MYO) Slot, designing, choosing your nature, and then getting your character approved for play time.I'll also explain the point of activities we have available, how to navigate the market, and how to use the items you gain.

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Obtaining a MYO Slot

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MYO, also known as Make Your Own, slots can be earned in a number of ways. There are 2 different type of MYO slots, those being Dominant and Companion. If you have a dominant MYO slot you can make 1 character of any of the dominant species in Unity, the same goes for a companion slot, these slots can not be used interchangeably, a dominant slot must create a dominant species while a companion slot must create a companion species. Then of course there are the 3 slot rarities for what traits you can use, those being Common, Uncommon, and Rare. You can obtain a MYO slot through the Unify Unity ran shop, the community ran shop in the discord server, by participating and winning events, and occasionally through the Casino.

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Designing Your MYO Slot

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So you've obtained a MYO slot and now are wondering what in the heckle you're supposed to do with it. That's easy, simply pick your species according to your slot (whether that be dominant or companion) and use the traits up to your slot. For example, if you have a Rare MYO, you can use Common, Uncommon, and Rare traits. Whereas if you have an Uncommon MYO, you can only use Common and Uncommon traits. If you're having a bit of trouble drawing your species but still want to use it for that species, there are bases coming soon to help you out! Be sure to follow all the species rules as to get your MYO properly approved for ARPG usage.

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Choosing Your Character's Nature

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This one is easy enough, all you have to do is take a look at the Natures page and state the nature you want your character to have when you send them off for approval. You only get to choose one and this can't be changed later without using a clear slate item so please keep that in mind!

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Getting Your Character Approved

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This one is super easy! After you've drawn (or commissioned someone to draw) the design for your MYO slot and chosen their designated nature, it's time to get that baby approved for playtime! All you have to do is head on over to our handy dandy discord server and submit the finished design, proof of MYO slot ownership, and the nature you've chosen to the proper approval hub and a mod will tell you whether your character is approved or not as soon as possible. Once they're approved, it'll be added to the proper masterlist and ready to participate in Unify Unity activities.

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The Point of Activities

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Now you might be wondering, what exactly is the point in participating in activities? Well let me tell you, aside from the fact they're fun ways to pass the time, there's also usually rewards involved. By participating in activities, you can earn rewards for your character and personal inventory without spending currency. (Whether that be in game or IRL.) This makes obtaining items and in game currency more available to the community, not to mention certain events can award exclusive items such as Mutation and Blood potions, or even custom weapons!

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Navigating the Markets

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There are 2 Unity Regulated Markets that are available to shop from. The 1st being the Shop on the official ToyHouse World and the 2nd being the Shop channels in our official discord server, which you can find and join at anytime by clicking the invite on the Groups page.The Shop page updates regularly with items for sale for USD via PayPal. Keep in mind there's always limited stock, if you miss out on an item just be sure to come back later. Though keep in mind the items that get restocked are subject to change, the shop won't always be filled with the same things.Wondering where to spend your in game currency? You can do so in the official Mini Shop channel in our official discord server, there we may sell some items for cash, but we also restock goods in exchange for in game currency. So be sure to ask to be added to the restock ping list to be notified as soon as new items are available there. Sometimes we'll give a warning when items will drop and at other times will drop them at random for a fair chance all around at obtaining new gear.Keep in mind different items do different things, so be sure to check out the Shop and read up on the different items before going on the hunt for them.

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Using Your Items

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Similar to the MYO approval, you'll need to go to the appropriate discord channel in our Unity server in order to use your items. All you have to do is state what item you're using, show proof of ownership, state what it's being used for and if applicable, the character you're applying the item to. For example: If you decide to use a clean slate item, please show us the character you want to use it on, their masterlist number, and what you're wanting wiped from them.

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MYO Event!


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UnityARPG Official Opening!


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Here we have everything you need to know when considering taking residence in the world of Unity.Like any planet, there are many pros and cons to living on it, though we all make due with what we have and really it's the creatures already living here that truly make the difference, so please don't forget to study them before making your final decision on residency.Please also keep in mind we do have a certain virus running loose with currently no known cure. With deep rooted factions waging wars against one another on what to do with that bit of information.

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And here we have the official map of the world of Unity! Curious on what the different colors and islands represent? Well then, let's begin!

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All the greens represent forests and plains, the darker the green, the more dense the trees are!Whereas the darkest area towards the top of the map represents the dead zones, this is where the virus is most rampant and is often seen as unlivable wasteland, so only a resilient select few choose to reside here.Towards the left we can see different shades of gold, which represents the vast desert, there isn't much for wildlife here, though it's generally quite peaceful due to the heated climate making the virus harder to transfer.And then of course, the surrounding snow! There are quite a lot of snowy lands in the world of Unity, while there can still be forests in these snowy parts near the bottom right hand side, this is also where the Exodus team resides, which can be great or horrifying news depending on which faction you're associated with.Lastly we have the surrounding ocean! Full of many creatures that won't hesitate to take a bite out of you, a few notable mentions being the Noyades and Muumuuz, so please be aware when traversing the vast seas, you never know what's truly down below.~

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Ocean Sea Floor image coming soon!

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Now onto the various islands and their associated factions and environment notes.We'll start off with the center island, also known as The Rosena Key, where most creatures tend to reside due to the lush plains, plentiful forests, and fresh water rivers. Here is where the Fallen World is, where the Medusa Catalyst Virus initially started, but seemed to have negatively impacted the least out of the surrounding areas.This is due to the quick thinking of many of the residing residents, quickly making places known as Safe Zones, which are areas of either immune or uninfected habitants in a usually democracy based governmental system.An example of a safe zone base can be seen below. They all follow the general theme of a closely knit city like community, having designated areas for a Hospital, Eatery area, along with Housing and a Voting Center.There's usually someone voted in by the creatures residing in the associated Safe Zone every year as needs change and arise. This is done in attempts to keep it from becoming a dictatorship, which sadly some Safe Zones do end up falling under. Though Safe Zones were originally started and made possible by Amenediel, so all in all he's the official leader, though he lets the people anoint a leader for their sector, he can still override decisions if he so chooses.

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Safe Zone image coming soon!

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This center island is also where you can see the remnants of the fallen kingdoms Elysian & Kalon, after the riots overthrew them and left the areas abandoned.Legend has it that at the center lake, Crystal Lake to be precise, the Fallen Prince that caused the fall of his kingdom still resides as a newfound killer.Don't enter his territory unless you can outrun him or you're on decent terms with his dearest sister, cause it seems to be he can't die by mortal means since the "accident".His sister Bonnie owns the lone diner that resides here, many find the place oddly comforting despite the surrounding legends.If you want to read more into Myers and Bonnie's past life, feel free to check the Fallen Kingdoms tab on the previous page.

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Crystal Lake image coming soon!

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Next we'll talk about the Dead Zone just below the major Ice Cap towards the top of the map.Here not much survives, plants that do make it are very bitter and often times even poisonous and therefore deadly to consume.Though on the outskirts closest towards the edge of the nearby Desert and Center Island does reside the group best known as Legacy. Why did they choose to live here? It's simple, easiest trade route with no competition save your environment.This location, while making it hard to come by produce, does make up for it in safety from other infectants once you settle down and build a proper base. It also has many ruined cities for looting and easy access to the nearby ocean in order to travel quickly to surrounding islands for whatever missions may arise.Residing here makes it significantly less likely they'll be raided by other forming groups and in turn better their chances at survival and growth due to their resilience in their given environment.

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Legacy base image coming soon!

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Next well talk about the Desert island, also known as Holysor Cay. Here is where our Outer Worlds crew home base is when they're not in their ship flying to different parts of the world. They choose to stay here due to the rivers having the highest benefits in terms of vitamins and electrolytes.Plants that grow here are often eerily sweet despite their surroundings and hold water extremally well due to the rarest weather event being rain. Shoshins are commonly seen here due to their adaptable legs and ability to travel long distances rather swiftly.Though sand storms and small tornados are quite common here so be careful to grab some facial protection on your way in!

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Hidden desert base image coming soon!

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Across the opposite end, snaking halfway around the Center Island is the Gracestor Isles. Best known for it's dense forests and common weather outbursts in the form of varying storms. As you can see along the edges of this island are some ice caps, leading for snow storms to be a common threat to nearby blooming life.In the densest parts of the forest reside many different kinds of creatures including more Shoshins and even Throvians, due to the many natural habitats this island has to offer.Though watch out for the rivers, cause these rivers are the most common home to Muumuuz, and while they generally photosynthesize for energy, they aren't creatures to pass up a free snack that may come their way.

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Dense forest image coming soon!

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On the surrounding endcaps of the world resides the Andiac Chain which holds both forests and plains, half of the area being encased by snow and ice, making survival difficult as temperatures drop well into the negatives.Here of course, Shoshins still can be found, though its a very common home for Hokums as well as the forest gives them closure while the plains give them freedom to roam and take the skies easily.Frozen lakes are quite common here, though the ice can be broken easily if you have some kind of tool with you. These areas are popular for skating as it can easily hold some hefty weight.While it is the largest amongst the islands, it's quite quiet with close knit communities just trying to avoid the virus since it seems to not pass well in the freezing temperatures.Though keep in mind this is where the Exodus crew call home, while their leader is a good hearted soul, he's not one to hesitate putting someone down if it's for the greater good, so be aware of that.

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Snowy forest/frozen lake image coming soon!

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And the island home to the fewest being the Farnnola Refuge! This is due to the temperatures being even colder than the Andiac Chain mentioned previously. Most don't come here unless they're Outcasted or left for dead by another faction. Most can't survive here due to the harsh temperatures and Apex Predators that live in the area, constantly hunting for new prey.Though you can see Shoshins running about the wastes and Hokums flocking around due to their thick and adaptable coats, the cold a mere chill to them.While it is possible to leave the island due to the accessibility in Shoshins and Hokums, it's not common once you're left abandoned here due to how hard it is to domesticate a wild species in a timely manner before you either freeze, starve, or dehydrate due to the ice being in most cases too thick to break through for fresh water.

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Ice wasteland image coming soon!

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There are 5 main factions in the world of Unity, each with their own beliefs and leadership systems in place.Legacy, with a mob like structure where every member that joins is family.The Vatican, formed like a government with strict rules and a focus on military defenses.Exodus, a Spartan based force that values one another and fights for a safer home.Henotic, the rag tag team that chooses to be inclusive to others rather than outcast them for things they can't control.Myosotis, the last remaining monarchy that is prosperous to all with a merciful queen.Curious on a specific faction?Simply click on one of the above buttons to read all about them!And to learn more about the characters involved, click on their picture to read further into them!

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Faction flag coming soon!

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Dein Hikori a.k.a. Boss

Karma Okumura

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Legacy was originally two separate groups run by the above mentioned Dein and Karma, though the two worked alongside each other so often and shared many of the same ideals, they decided it was better for them to join their forces and work together under one roof. While this hasn't been easy seeing as they tend to butt heads having originally run their own group only to have to come together and compromise, that isn't to say they haven't accomplished a lot since they've joined forces.
Their goal is to make Unity a safer world to live in and find a cure for the M.C.V. with the help of scientists Divinity and Alex Mercer.

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Alex Mercer


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Rank Titles:

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1. Sicario
2. Deano
3. Narco
4. Bravo
5. Assailant
6. Liquidator
7. Torpedo
8. Butcher
9. Gunslinger
10. Goon

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Origin Story:

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Legacy originally started as two separate groups, one run by Dein and the other Karma.For Dein's side, his started at the beginning of the M.C.V. outbreak. His parents were leaders in the main mob of the city he resided in, so it's no surprise he just grew into the lifestyle. However, when the outbreak occurred, his family abandoned the mob, essentially leaving them for dead as the border collapsed trapping the people inside what is now known as the Dead Zone. Dein thought this was unbelievably cruel seeing as the mob had stood by his family loyally all these years and decided to take ownership, gathering all the members he could and formulating a plan to get them a safe way out of the Dead Zone to gather supplies and rebuild. He has since gained loyalty from his members and now his family are kill on sight if they are seen again.As for Karma, he wanted to create a group that leaves behind a Legacy. He wanted to be remembered for his ideals even after he died and so he gathered people that were likeminded and began working from there. Slowly taking on odd missions until he had the sustainable revenue stream in order to fund his own endeavors and work towards his end goal of making Unity a safe place to reside in since the outbreak.Dein and Karma decided to combine their groups once they realized that they were essentially working towards the same goal, making Unity a safer place to live in and to try and find a cure for the M.C.V. While it hasn't been easy compromising on certain matters, the two can admit they get done significantly more when they work together as a unit rather than just alongside one another like before.

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Main Location:

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Legacy's home base is on the Dead Zone. They're located pretty closely to the bottom left near the main streams connecting to the main ocean. This is so they have a reliable clean water source for their missions since the dead zone is known for being a quite hostile environment filled with creatures of all kinds looking to tear you apart.
They chose to make their home base here to make it less likely for enemy factions to come and attack their home base, due to almost unhabitable conditions, it's unlikely an enemy attack would occur without them finding out about it beforehand due to the immense planning it takes just to reach the island itself.
They have underground supply lines underneath the ocean towards the nearby islands in order to keep stocks high in the event of an emergency. Though they can grow a few crops, it's not sustainable enough long term so they do rely heavily on trading with nearby acceptable factions.

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Faction flag coming soon!

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The Vatican

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Amenediel formed The Vatican to act as the new government since the fall of the monarchy. He rules with an iron fist with a focus on military and forming safe zones in order to rebuild a sense of society that has fallen ever since the start of the M.C.V. outbreak. His main goal is to form more safe zones and make the civilians in them functioning members of society, all the while leading his large military force to further claim the lands of Unity. Making him wage a war on the remaining factions. Whether he stays in power due to loyalty or fear from his subjects nobody truly knows.

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Rank Titles:

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1. Keima
2. Bishop
3. Alphil
4. Triton
5. Shogi
6. Hisha
7. Ferz
8. Crowned
9. Rook
10. Pawn

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Origin Story:

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The Vatican almost immediately rose once the monarchies fell. Some believe that Amenediel may have been a reason for their falling, but no one can really prove it since the relationship between the heirs of each kingdom have openly admitted to their part in the kingdoms downfall.
Amenediel created The Vatican in hopes of creating a new order, helping the leftover survivors of both the fallen kingdoms and the outbreak of the M.C.V. create new and habitable societies with plentiful resources and enough protection to where they never have to want or need or fear so long as they listened to what was good for them.
Amenediel was able to assemble a large army under the promise that those that work for him, their families were granted permanent residency in a safe zone, to be protected at all costs and supplied so they will never starve or grow cold in the winters. He promised anyone that would grant him loyalty this and that is why his numbers grew large enough to not need to partner with another faction.

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Main Location:

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The main base of operations is South of the fallen monarchies castles on the center island otherwise known as the Rosena Key. The Vatican currently has 3 main safe zones located in the small circled areas below and each have a designated leader that is elected every half of the year, though when Amenediel is in town he does have the power to veto any votes made by said leader. They don't need to trade with other factions due to having strong supply lines and resources they can easily scavenge due to being on the most geographically sound island. With the ability to cultivate almost any crop and hunt plentiful game, they have no worries in sight in terms of supplies to demand at hand.

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Faction flag coming soon!

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Exodus is a Spartan based group reformed by Artyom with the help of Peran to show that the M.C.V., while still a virus, isn't all what we thought it was, that some of those infected with it aren't our enemies, rather they can be our friends. They value honesty, hard work, and working as a team. Exodus is the place where someone always has your back and refuses to leave a fellow behind. Their goal is, with the help of Peran, find other misunderstood infected and finally give them a chance to speak while also protecting their own and those that can't protect themselves.

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Rank Titles:

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1. Spartan
2. Officer
3. Sergeant
4. Corporal
5. Specialist
6. General
7. Lieutenant
8. Major
9. Private
10. Recruit

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Origin Story:

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Exodus was originally led by a man who's name has been long forgotten in history books and eventually gets taken over by Artyom with his main crew. They stay underground in the old metro tunnel systems up until lack of space for the growing population led the main crew to consider going top side. Due to a nearby nuclear plant exploding, they are often seen wearing gas masks and collecting filters. The group tried their best to stay in the safe zone until their weapon specialist Adrian wonders off and hasn't really been heard of since. So Artyom, Boris, & Mazeikiene go after their friend.They were taught all their lives that life outside of the metro is unhospitable, that the virus and nuclear outburst has left nothing in its wake, but when Artyom and his crew stumble upon a safe zone full of seemingly clear people, they begin to question everything they were taught.It's when they find the folklore Taka Hayami and she's a friendly, merciful beast that protected their leader against a pack of feral Shoshins that they really start to consider what else they were lied to about.It's not until Artyom meets Peran, an infected child with the M.C.V. that he has to convince his crew to not kill him and instead realize that not everyone that's infected has gone feral, that some are salvageable and it should now be their duty to save them and look for a way to cure them.

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Main Location:

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Mainly located on the more ice capped areas of the West side of Gracestor Isles. They reside here to have the easiest access to clean drinking water as well as still be close enough to forests that gathering supplies isn't an issue and neither is hunting even in the harshest seasons. Any supplies that aren't commonly found in their area they trade with the Legacy group to obtain as they have good relations with them, they can also be seen trading with the Outer Worlds group. They actively revolt against The Vatican as Exodus believes they're tyrannical. Their base is heavily defended with armed Spartans and it's hard accessing their area even by water due to the high levels of Noyades in the surrounding areas.

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Faction flag coming soon!

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Henotic was a group born from pure necessity by Rieka in the hopes that she can gather those that are wandering and lost together to fight towards a common cause. She's a firm believer that everyone deserves a second chance and has high hopes for a better tomorrow. Though she knows she can't do it alone. It's not until she meets an old childhood friend who turns out to be a fallen angel that she realizes her dream is not just her own anymore.

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Rank Titles:

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1. Corvus
2. Neovaii
3. Saros
4. Hydra
5. Orion
6. Noelani
7. Sirius
8. Zaniah
9. Cephei
10. Vega

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Origin Story:

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Henotic was a group, or faction, formed out of sheer necessity of survival. Rieka formed the new group after being abandoned and disowned by her family for being a siren, a cryptid, a disgrace to Unity's culture. She roamed the streets, doing whatever it took to survive and made it her life's goal to ensure another cryptid wouldn't receive the same discrimination she had.That is when she decides to form Henotic, a new group that still honors the culture of her kind while being more inclusive of others, understanding that some did not ask to be born at all, let alone what traits they would be born with, and that it was unfair to outcast one of their own for something they had no control over.The group's existence became a necessity when she had heard that Amenediel wanted the ideals of the original monarchies to return to the world of Unity despite their downfall, that an king such as himself should rule all and the weak left for the slaughter in a new world with an unforgiving virus with no known cure.And now her mission is simple, assemble a team, a new family, to help one another escape the attempted takeover of Amenediel.No matter the cost.

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Main Location:

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The base of operations for this rag-tag team is the desert, otherwise known as Holysor Cay, seen on the left side of the map. They chose this area due to the sandstorms that often keep The Vatican from sneaking up on them, or anyone negatively infected or impacted by the M.C.V. They hide in the shadows and tend to travel mostly at night to avoid major dehydration due to the immense heat that envelopes the area. The small corner seen with snow is a near deathtrap zone due to the hot sand turning into shards of glass hidden underneath layers of varying snow and ice densities. They gather most of their supplies by trading with the Exodus crew, though dabble with Legacy since while they don't agree with some of their morals, they know that the Legacy is probably their best chance at taking down The Vatican once and for all.

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Faction flag coming soon!

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Queen Camilla

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Myosotis is the last standing monarchy after the riot outbreaks that occurred between Kalon and Elysian. TBC

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Rank Titles:

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1. Hydrangea
2. Begonia
3. Camellia
4. Plumeria
5. Celosia
6. Aconite
8. Abutilon
10. Peony

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Origin Story:

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Main Location:

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The Medusa Catalyst Virus, otherwise known as the M.C.V., What kind of virus is it exactly?How did it spread so quickly in the first place?How are some immune to it?How do some gain incredible power from it while others suffer immensely?And where exactly did it all begin?All of these questions will be thoroughly answered and explained if it truly is answers you seek.

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What kind of virus is the M.C.V. exactly?

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The M.C.V. is a pathogen based virus that attacks the user directly upon entering their bloodstream. Whether this be through blood, saliva, or otherwise, the M.C.V. travels fast in it's new host, only taking 12 hours to fully infect it's new host. Modifications are required in order for the more desirable effects to occur more commonly.

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How does it spread?

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The virus spreads through bodily fluid contact such as blood or saliva! This is why its recommended to cover your open wounds if you plan on venturing out and wearing protective armor around places that are easily accessible to biters. Keep in mind if you're scratched deep enough that can also cause infection, so it's smart to dress thick!

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How are some immune?

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It's actually quite interesting why some are immune to the virus! It has to do with the person's genetic makeup, there's a specific gene that we're starting to notice every immune being has in common with one another. So sad to say, at this time we have reason to believe you have to be born immune to the virus, we haven't seen anyone without this specific gene develop immunity to it later on, so it's sad to say you're either born immune or infectable.

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Why do some gain power while others suffer?

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Once infected, it all depends on the person's chemical makeup to determine whether they gain power from the virus or they suffer a horrid fate. It seems those born with magical abilities are more likely to mutate with the virus as opposed to against it upon initial infection. Though we've seen plenty of non magic users gain power from their infections as well. So while we know it has something to do with their chemical makeups, we can't seem to find the common gene that's causing this to happen only in certain individuals. Quite the mystery on our hands at this time sadly, though we're always doing more research to try to get answers to all your burning questions so stay tuned, we might have some updates coming!

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Where did the virus begin?

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Funny enough, the virus' creation and outbreak are all because of a singular man by the name of Alex Mercer, also known as the first infected patient. It all started when his company, Synchrony, hired him on to create a pathogen that can grant its consumer an immense new form of power.
So he rallies up his team of scientists, hiring on a newbie by the name of Divinity, in hopes of making a new discovery in the next several years. He had realistic goals, and while the investors could be a bit inpatient at times, they knew Alex was well known all across the globe for creating pathogens that gave consumers desirable results before, so if anyone could do it, it'd be him and his team.
After nine months he finally made a break through, deeming it the Medusa Catalyst Virus or the M.C.V. for short. He named it as such since while it seemed to give certain test subjects healing properties, it made others go feral. Wanting to address his concerns he goes to the head owners of the company only to overhear they wish to sell his creation to the highest bidder, regardless of the possible outbreak that would no doubt occur if this virus ever left the facility. Taking his research and his only trustworthy assistant Divinity they rush to escape only to be ambushed. They were demanded to hand it all over or die, so Alex chose to die.
Slamming the successful virus vile into his veins he stands before Divinity to protect her from their shooting, only to realize his blood was now sunset colored and shifting beneath his skin. It seems he was lucky enough to be given power instead of insanity. Killing every man that stood in his and Divinity's way of leaving, he infects every person he slices through with his new power, hoping as it happens that they'll find a way to control it later.

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Fallen Kingdoms art coming soon!

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Fallen Kingdoms

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And here we store all known information about the fallen kingdoms Elysian and Kalon, from history to known heirs and the eventual downfall, all can be found in the following archives.

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"Beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect."

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"The kind of beauty that is more than skin deep."

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Elysian History

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King Kaizo, the previous heir to the kingdom of Elysian, married the Queen Mary in order to continue the treaty with the Kalon kingdom, just as Kalon had done with his brother.There is a long line of Kings coming from this kingdom, as the son is almost always born first with a long history of twins, though just like Kalon sometimes they were simply married in if for some reason a monarch couldn't produce a son.Elysian valued high luxuries, even their lowest class would be considered middle class to Earth's standards. They believed strongly in showing outer beauty and divinity towards outsiders in order to appeal better to the public, though this isn't to say that the kingdom was perfect by any means. Their value for luxuries led to immense greed between the lower and higher classes as they often butted heads to try and prove one was better than the other.

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Kalon History

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Queen Elinore, the previous heir to the kingdom Kalon, married the King Quasar from the kingdom Elysian in order to keep the peace between the two monarchies, just as Elysian had done with her sister.There is a long line of Queens coming from this kingdom, whether they be born or married in from the neighboring kingdom.Kalon valued beauty, every heir to the throne went under rigorous training to be prim and proper, well mannered and skilled in many assets in order to be seen as a necessity and not just a pretty face. The monarchs strong desire for usefulness in the kingdom meant there was no place for the poor or the elderly that couldn't prove their worth anymore, which often struck a nerve with the lower class people, even if they were well off, they didn't feel it was fair to kick their neighbor out simply because their family could no longer afford to justify their usefulness.

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Heirs to Elysian

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Bonnie Valentine

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Heirs to Kalon

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Ta Reine


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The Downfall of Elysian

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The downfall of Elysian was made obvious when their son and heir to the throne Myers came back with a ruined face, permanently burned by a far off nuclear power plant and went on a rampage, killing many guards and making his way up the castle stairs to kill his mother and father to end the suffering this kingdom has caused him for trying to force him to marry the neighboring kingdom's daughter Ta Reine when he, in fact, was in love with the son Jadi.The kingdom's residents quickly broke out in riots at the sight of the son killing his father on the balcony during a speech that was meant to ease their fears as Myers uttered the words."See how your King has fallen now!"But when the riots ended up trampling his sister, Bonnie, making her lose her arm he tore the town apart until anyone that remained inside the kingdom's walls was plastered on pavement. The two then gather themselves and flee.

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The Downfall of Kalon

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The downfall of Kalon came when they heard the news of the fallen neighboring kingdom of Elysian. Soon as the citizens learned about the riots they realized nothing was holding them back from revolting either and made their way to the castle's front doors, pounding with all their combined might they busted down and they began ravaging the place.Ta Reine was shoved off the balcony into the burning lower levels of the castle's corridors left to die as her brother Jadi was swept away in the crowd and taken away by a stranger, not to be heard from again for weeks.The King and Queen died at the hands of their own royal guards who turned on them as the citizens promised to share the riches they find in the castle, greed consuming them all as the monarchs were each stabbed over a dozen of times, the fire quickly enveloping the castle and everyone in it, leaving the only survivors those who had never entered its halls during the riots.

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The Aftermath of Elysian

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After the fall of Elysian, Myers and Bonnie made their way to Crystal Lake in order to rebuild a new life. Myers has since made is his mission to hunt down Jadi in order to confess his feelings while Bonnie awaits the day Ta Reine enters her, eventually built, diner so they can continue where they left off. Though lots of time passes, the two will eventually meet their other halves, though those meetings go less than planned.

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The Aftermath of Kalon

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After the fall of Kalon, Ta Reine crawls out of the ashes and makes her way across Unity in search of Bonnie for answers on what happened and where they stand now. Jadi, after escaping his original captors with the help of Myers, leaves the two in a more than awkward situation. While everything works out in the end, the joruney to get there was definitely a long one.

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And here we have all the currently usable items in the world of Unity!Here you'll be able to see what each item looks like and understand what their purpose is.These will be separated into sections in order to group related items together for (hopefully) an easier understanding.

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Curious what items you have?
Check the bank!

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In-Game Currency

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There are currently 4 forms of in-game currency, those of which being:Coins, the most common currency available, used to by common or simple items in the market and at a high enough price, even a Casino Regal Coin.Gems, the uncommon currency that can be used to buy more items or be exchanged for random auctions.Rift Shards, the most expensive and rare currency in the world of Unity. Everyone wants it and there's very little of it to go around. These Shards can buy you some top tier rare items and even in rare instances be exchanged for MYO slots.And lastly, Casino Regal Coins, only good in the Casino Regal for all your sinner desires.~

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MYO Items

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There are 5 type of MYO Items available in the world of Unity.Dominant MYO Slot, which is a MYO slot that can be redeemed to create any of the dominant species in Unity.
Blue for Common, Purple for Uncommon, and Pink for Rare!
Companion MYO Slot, which is a MYO slot that can be redeemed to create any companion species in the world of Unity.
Blue for Common, Purple for Uncommon, and Pink for Rare!
Mutation Potion, which grants your character access to add 1 mutation trait of your choice. If you want to add more mutation traits, you'll need to obtain more mutation potions.And a Clean Slate item, which can be used to erase anything on your Dominant Species Character. This can include Completed Trial Status, Career Class, amongst other usually unchangeable traits. You can use it to either clear 1 thing or everything on a given character, so choose wisely. Only thing unerasable at this time are Monthly Prompt Badges as those are player bound not character bound.Beast Orb, which grants your character access to add 1 personalized beast form of your choice. If you want to add more beast forms, you'll need to obtain more beast orbs. Beast forms are often unique to the individual and have the most customization options available due to how the virus reacts to each individual who interacts with it differently.

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Trial Items

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There are several earnable Trial Items you can obtain that have their own specific set of uses.Identification Card, which allows you to move forward, join a faction, hit the gym, and complete the other available trials.Fishing pole, which let's you participate and fish at the pond once a month for a chance at free loot.Diploma, which at this time is just an accomplishment sign that your character made it through the dreadful classes.And lastly, Bonding Rings, which tie your characters as soulmates (whether that be romantic or platonic) forever to cuddle and hang out with. Unless you have a Clean Slate item you're wishing on using of course.~

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Magic Potions

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The Magic Potions!A magical elixir carefully brewed to give the creature that consumes it the ability to access their associated magics.Though keep in mind you'll still need the skill level to fully harness it's power!You can read more on the available magical abilities associated with it in the
Magic Section!
Potions can be obtained through the market, events, and occasional auctions.

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Weapons can be bought in item auctions, won in an event, won in the Casino Regal, or obtained through the market openings.Weapons give a set of bonus damage in entries towards a beasts health bar in certain events.This can in turn, help your character land more attacks and possibly gain more rewards.Some weapons even double rewards given in certain events, so keep an eye out for them!

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Here is all the currently available magic in the world of Unity!Below states the following skill points required to unlock each magic skill in its specified category, though please keep in mind your character needs to earn and consume the associated magic potion in order to unlock that magic.You can win potions in events, earn a basic one by completing one of the trials, or purchase one when they come up for sale in the market.

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Available Ranks

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1 = 20 magic stat points required to unlock
2 = 40 magic stat points required to unlock
3 = 60 magic stat points required to unlock
4 = 80 magic stat points required to unlock
5 = 100 magic stat points required to unlock

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1. Your character can now create light breezes.
2. Your character can now use wind to boost and propel themselves as a means of travel.
3. Your character can now levitate off the ground.
Blast Cannon
4. Your character can now create controlled gusts of air to be used as precise attacks.
Wind Master
5. Now your character can use wind magic however they please in a variety of ways from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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Small Puddles
1. Your Character can now manipulate small bodies of water, similar to that of puddles.
Temperature Control
2. Your character can now control the temperature around them.
3. Your character can now create varying types of ice.
Weather Control/Blizzard
4. Your character can now control the varying stages of weather from a light rain to a full on blizzard.
Water master
5. Now your character can use water magic however they please in a variety of ways from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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1. Your character is now the definition of a life size lighter, they can now also create small sparks of fire.
2. Your character can now control and manipulate smoke and ash to their will.
Lava control/Liquidification
3. Your character can now control the liquidification of fire, lava.
4. Your character can now solidify lava to rock.
Flame Master
5. Now your character can use fire magic however they please from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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Plant Growth
1. Your character can now manipulate the growth of the plant life around them.
Small Rocks/Sandstorm
2. Your character can now manipulate small rocks with bits of gravel and sand to create a sizable sandstorm at will.
Metal bending
3. Your character can now bend various metals to their will.
4.Your character can now manipulate different guides, crystals, and gemstones to their will.
Earth master
5. Now your character can use earth magic however they please in a variety of ways from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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1. Your character is now both poisonous and venomous, do with that what you will.
2. Your character can now put creatures to sleep.
3. Your character is now immune to all types of poisons and venoms.
Sludge Cannon
4. Your character can now use their toxicity in the form of a weapon, specifically sludge.
Toxic Master
5. Now your character can use toxic magic however they please in a variety of ways from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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Gravity Control
1. Your character can now manipulate the gravity around themselves and other creatures and objects around them.
Light Control
2. Your character can now control the light around them from general heat to brightness.
3. Your character can now heal themselves and other creatures around them if they so choose.
4. Your character can now create bursts of lightning.
Angelic Master
5. Now your character can use angelic magic however they please from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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Mind Control
1. Your character can now use temporary mind control on creatures around them.
Dark Magic
2. Your character can now use varying types of dark magic like witchcraft.
Summoning Circles
3. Your character can now create summoning circles to summon creatures and objects to their aid.
Shadow Control
4. Your character can manipulate and control the darkness around them to use shadows to their advantage.
Demonic Master
5. Now your character can use demonic magic however they please in a variety of ways from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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Clot Control
1. Your character can now control the blood flow of themselves and others.
2. Your character can now camouflage fully with their surroundings if they so please
3. Your character can now shapeshift into other living things.
Blood Control
4. Your character can now temporarily control the movements of other living beings so long as they don't know blood magic.
Blood Master
5. Now your character can use blood magic however they please in a variety of ways from honing attacks to transport, they now have it all with this level of skill.

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Here are the available natures you can choose for your character to give them a permanent buff for gym training, at least, until they max out the associated skill level.Your character upon creation and approval gets to choose 1 of these to add to their profile.Please keep in mind this cannot be changed later on, so choose wisely!

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Available Natures:

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Quirky = +2 Magic

Tactical = +2 Intelligence

Rash = +2 Strength

Brave = +2 Determination

Hardy = +2 Perception

Adamant = +2 Defense

Quiet = +2 Evasion

Careful = +2 Dexterity

Sassy = +2 Charisma

Hasty = +2 Agility

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Here you can find all the currently available activities to partake in the world of Unity!Who knows, more might be added in the future so stay tuned!~

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Trials are fun, art based tasks that you can complete with your character in order to gain in game currency and other various rewards! There are currently 7 trials and once the moving in trial is complete the remaining trials can be done in any given order long as the following requirements are met.Please link or send your finished trial in the appropriate discord channel and wait for approval in order to obtain your rewards, if changes are necessary, you will be notified!

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Requirements for minimum reward: 250 words per step or a colored fullbody. (50 coins)

Requirements for maximum reward: 500 words per step or a colored fullbody with shading and a background. (50 coins and 5 gems)

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Moving in Trial

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Step 1: Welcome home!
"Welcome home! How is your character settling in?"
Draw or write about your character moving in. Are there boxes everywhere or did they only bring the bare essentials?
Step 2: Decorating time!
"Decorating time! Where do we start?"
Draw or write about your character decorating their house. How is it coming along?
Step 3: Meeting people!
"Time to meet some people around town! Wonder who we'll find?"
Draw or write about your character meeting someone new. Are they instant friends or just acquaintances?

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Art Example:

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Additional Rewards: ID Card

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Fishing Trial

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Step 1: Packing!
"Time to pack up for your fishing trip! What do you need?"
Draw or write about your character packing for their trip. Are they overly prepared or did they forget something?
Step 2: Picking the perfect spot!
"Time to find the perfect spot to fish! Where will yours be?"
Draw or write about your character finding the perfect fishing spot. What lengths will they go to find it?
Step 3: Fishing!
"Time to get out there and fish! What will they find?"
Draw or write about your character finally fishing. Do they find anything worthwhile or just junk?

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Additional Rewards: Fishing Pole

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Schooling Trial

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Step 1: First day at school!
"Time to go to school! Where do we start?"
Draw or write about your character attending their first day at school. What are they doing?
Step 2: Class!
"Time for class! Now where do I go?"
Draw or write about your character's favorite or least favorite class. Are they paying attention or getting distracted?
Step 3: Study time!
"Time to study! Now where are my notes?"
Draw or write about your character studying for an exam. How are they doing?

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Additional Rewards: Diploma

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Brewing Trial

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Step 1: Grabbing ingredients!
"Time to grab ingredients! What are we missing?"
Draw or write about your character getting ingredients for brewing. Did they have everything at home or were they missing something?
Step 2: Time to brew!
"Time to mix everything together! I wonder what it'll taste like?"
Draw or write about your character brewing potions. Does it come easy to them or are they struggling?
Step 3: Down the hatch!
"Time to drink up! Now what does this do again?"
Draw or write your character drinking their creation. Is it everything they hoped for?

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Additional Rewards: Your Choice of either Wind, Fire, Water, or Earth Potion.

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Career Trial

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Step 1: Picking a field!
"Time to start work! Which will you choose?"
Draw or write about your character deciding on their next employment opportunity. Did they see an ad in the newspaper or simply heard about it around town?
Step 2: The interview!
"Got the call back! What should I say?"
Draw or write about your character during the interview. How are they holding up?
Step 3: First day at work!
"I got the job! Now what?"
Draw or write about your character attending their first day at work. How is it going so far, are they doing well or struggling to hang in there?

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Additional Rewards: Choose a Career Class for Your Character which you can read more about HERE

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Taming Trial

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Step 1: Scout!
"Time to scout the area! I wonder what we'll find?"
Draw or write about your character scouting the area for possible companions. Have they found anything yet?
Step 2: Found them!
"Your character found a creature! How do they approach it?"
Draw or write about your character finding their possible companion . How do they manage to hold up?
Step 3: Friendship time!
"Time to attempt friendship! How does your character fair?"
Draw or write about your character trying to befriend the creature. Are they instant friends or is there some miss-communication?

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Additional Rewards: Your Choice of 1 Free Common Rarity Companion MYO Slot

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Soulmate Trial

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Step 1: First meetings!
"Awe first impressions are important! How do you fair?"
Draw or write about how the characters met. Was it love at first sight or perhaps something else?
Step 2: Public affection!
"Awe look at how cute you guys are! How do you do it?"
Draw or write about your characters showing affection to one another. Do they simply hold hands or hug and kiss under the moonlight?
Step 3: Gift giving!
"Oh joyous day! What did you get me?"
Draw or write your characters exchanging gifts. How do they react to the gifts they're given?
Step 4: The perfect day!
"Oh how romantic! Where will you go?"
Draw or write about your characters going on the perfect date. What is their dream destination?

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Additional Rewards: Bonding Rings

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Additional Requirements: Trial must be a collab between the owners of the characters involved. Whether that be 2 steps each or alternating things to do like sketching, lining, ect.

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Character Classes

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Here is where you pick your Career Class once you finish the Career Trial! Please choose wisely as you can only pick one, the buff will continue to stack on top of gym training until the associated skill points are maxed out.

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A class for those that wish to protect nature and people alike. If you're a natural explorer that longs for adventure, then maybe you're a ranger.
+5 determination & +2 charisma buff

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The class for true leaders filled with strength and courage in order to overcome obstacles alongside their crew. If you're a true and inspiring leader, then maybe you're a captain.
+5 strength & +2 defense buff

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A class for those good with the layout of the land and the strong desire to lay out support lines and deliver necessities. If you're efficient and perceptive of your surroundings, then maybe you're a courier.
+5 dexterity & +2 perception buff

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The class for those that can't help but look in all the odd places for all sorts of trinkets and items. If you're always looking through what's overlooked, then maybe you're a scavenger.
+5 perception & +2 evasion buff

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A class for those that are kind hearted and wish to help others persevere in the harsh conditions of the world. If you're good with medicine and patching up, then maybe you're a medic.
+5 magic & +2 determination buff

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The class for those that like to tinker and build sound objects and structures. If you're efficient and analytical, then maybe you're an engineer.
+5 agility & +2 intelligence buff

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A class for those that are always looking for answers and theorizing the next best course of action available. If you're looking for the facts, maybe you're a scientist.
+5 intelligence & +2 agility buff

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The class for those with high taste in life for all the new trends going on around this place. If you're one always kept in the loop then maybe you're a stylist.
+5 charisma & +2 magic buff

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A class for those with the ability to tame any beast in due time. Generally willing to run headfirst into danger. If you're ready to take on the world maybe you're a tamer.
+5 defense & +2 strength buff

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The class for those ready to pounce when the time is right. Stealthy and willing to do whatever it takes to get answers. If you're willing to do what it takes maybe you're an assassin.
+5 evasion & +2 dexterity buff

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Fishing Pond

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The Fishing Pond is a monthly, free to participate, event that happens every X where you can cast the fishing rod you gain in the Fishing Trial and try to obtain a new free item!Keep in mind the item you may get is random. Unfortunately sometimes your line won't cast anything, but who knows, you could get something super rare and you have nothing to lose!

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How to Play:

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Simply draw a colored fullbody OR write 100 words showcasing your character casting their fishing rod in the hopes of reeling something in.Be sure to post it in the appropriate discord channel while it's still X day somewhere in the world in order to qualify for a chance at prizes!

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Obtainable Items and Their Chances:

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Casino Regal

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Currently closed due to renovations! Will reopen soon!

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Owned by the ever lovely Karma and Estella, the Casino is open to any creature, regardless of faction affiliation, so long as you have the currency to play!Rules are simple, you need the Casino Regal Coins in order to play, the more coins you bet, the better chances you have at higher prices. Casino Regal Coins can only be bought, whether that be with cash or in game currency is up to the player.Keep in mind, the Casino only opens 1 day each month, so be sure to come on in and place your bets in time or you'll miss out!Keep in mind you're limited to only being able to purchase the max 3 Coins per month. While more can be earned through trading in the markets, the Fishing Pond, or even events, no more than 3 can be bought with currency by a single player at any given time.

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Karma Okumura


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How to Play:

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Simply make a comment in the appropriate discord channel with how many coins you're betting for the opening and once we collect the coins from your account we'll spin the wheel and see what you won!The Casino Regal Coins can only be bought during the week before X day, which is when the Casino opens it's doors for play time. An announcement will be made in the Discord Server to let everyone know when the Coins are being sold and when the actual Casino doors open.The max amount of coins you can bet at a time is 3, if you choose to bet anymore than that we'll warn you before taking them that it would be considered a donation to the Casino.

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Exchange Rate for Coins:

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50 Gold Coins = 1 Casino Regal Coin5 Gems = 1 Casino Regal Coin1 Rift Shard = 1 Casino Regal Coin$5 = 1 Casino Regal Coin

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Obtainable Items and Their Chances:

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Here you can train your character through artistic means in order to gain some skill points! While it's recommended you finish the Career Trial before starting your training to receive the buff, it's not needed to use this gym!Skills are used to show how powerful a given character is in a specific area, some playable events will require a certain skill level to participate in or even earn extra rewards, so it's good to train ahead of time as events are usually timed and skill points take quite a bit to earn.Just be sure to follow the requirements and post your training in the appropriate discord channel in order to have your skill points properly added!

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Requirements to earn +1 Skill Points: Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody OR 100 Words

Requirements to earn +2 Skill Points: Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody with Flat Colors OR 250 Words

Requirements to earn +3 Skill Points: Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody with Flat Colors and Shading OR 375 Words

Requirements to earn +4 Skill Points: Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody with Flat Colors, Shading, and a Background OR 500 Words

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Prompts to Follow:

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Keep in mind you can do other things not suggested in the following prompts as long as you can justify it's association with the associated skill you're trying to upgrade.

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1. For Strength you'll need to show your character doing some sort of physical activity, such as lifting weights or doing certain exercises like hand stands and other forms using strength.

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2. For Defense you'll need to show your character doing some sort of defensive tactic, whether that be blocking, holding their ground in a stance, shielding, or even countering an attack. Just something to show they're on the defensive.

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3. For Perception you'll need to show your character doing some sort of perceptive activity. This can be done by showing them completing a puzzle, spying on others, bird watching, looking through a telescope or binoculars, or matching things through memory.

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4. For Agility you'll need to show your character performing an act of agility. This can be done by showing your character running track, jumping hurdles, doing swift turns, or even dancing.

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5. For Dexterity you'll need to show your character performing an act of dexterity. This can be done by showing your character performing magic tricks, sleight of hand, or even juggling.

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6. For Intelligence you'll need to show your character performing an act of intelligence. This can be done by showing your character creating a map, reading a book, writing in a journal, solving problems, or even creating some kind of scheme.

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7. For Evasion you'll need to show your character performing an act of evasion. This can be done by showing your character dodging objects or creatures, hiding from others, moving swiftly, or even climbing up high places.

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8. For Charisma you'll need to show your character performing an act of charisma. This can be done by showing your character flirting, looking suave, dressing up, giving gifts, or doing a kind gesture for someone else.

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9. For Magic you'll need to show your character performing an act of magic, preferably in the field of magic they currently have unlocked. See the Magic Section for magic prompts based on your skill level.

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10. For Determination you'll need to show your character performing an act of determination. This can be done by showing off confidence, performing a skill to the best of their abilities, hyping themselves or a friend up, or even posing in various ways.

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Here you can learn how to rank up in your chosen faction (and even how to betray your faction and switch sides) if you so choose.Please keep in mind that rank titles are faction specific, while they all have ranks 1-10, they're each called something different given which faction you chose to join. And if you betray a faction your character CAN NOT rejoin that faction ever again unless a clean slate item is used. This also means if you betray a faction and join a new one your rank resets to 10 so please keep that in mind as well.Please read your associated Faction page to find the title of your given rank.The higher you climb in ranks, the more difficult the requirements are going to get, this is due to the in game rewards you'll get along with exclusive access to certain events that will be held in the future for your loyalty.Rank titles go from 1 being the top to 10 being the bottom, so the first rank you can obtain is 10 and then you work your way up from there.

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Joining a Faction:

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Rules on joining a new faction are simple, complete the Rank 10 requirement and state when posting your art or writing piece for approval which faction you're looking to join.
Once the art or writing piece has been approved, you're officially in your desired faction and can now work towards boosting your rank!
Keep in mind, you must start at rank 10 and try to make your way to rank 1 as 1 is the highest rank in a given faction!

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Rank Requirements:

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Write at least 100 words or draw at least a colored bust of your character interacting with their chosen faction's flag respectfully.


Additional Rewards:
15 Gold Coins

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Write at least 175 words or draw at least a colored halfbody of your character interacting with their chosen faction's leader. How does the initial meeting go? All according to plan or an embarrassing disaster?


Additional Rewards:
5 Gems

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Write at least 250 words or draw at least a colored halfbody of your character studying the Unity map during a meeting. Do they suggest somewhere to go next? Or do they simply take notes and keep to themselves?


Additional Rewards:
1 Clean Slate

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Write 425 words or draw at least a halfbody with background of your character scavenging the ruins around Unity! What do they find that's useful for the faction back at home? And when offered a choice of compensation for their troubles, what do they end up picking?


Additional Rewards:
Wind, Fire, Water, or Earth Potion.

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Write at least 600 words or draw at least a colored of fullbody with background of your character exploring the main base. Do they like their new home? Is there something or someone they disagree with?


Additional Rewards:
3 Casino Coins

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Write at least 675 words or a colored fullbody with shading and background of how your character reacts to an attack on their base. Are they first to defend or first to treat those that fall wounded in battle?


Additional Rewards:
1 Rift Shard

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Write at least 725 words or draw a fullbody with background of your character interacting with a possible new companion. The twist? Use a color palette from a color palette challenge or randomizer, see how crazy your piece can get with a change in colors. How does your character react to the different lighting? Does the new friend like their odd colors?


Additional Rewards:
Rare Companion MYO Slot

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Write at least 800 words or draw a monochrome colored fullbody of your character exploring a part of Unity on behalf of their faction. Do they find anything new? Are they being watched? Are they truly alone in the world?


Additional Rewards:
Uncommon Dominant MYO Slot

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Write at least 950 words or draw a shaded fullbody with shading/lighting and background of your character coming into contact with an enemy faction after a successful scavenge. Do they defend the loot they found for their faction or surrender it to the enemy?


Additional Rewards:
Beast Orb

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Write at least 1,250 words or draw a colored fullbody with background of your character doing an activity or mission on behalf of their faction. The twist? Use an art media you don't commonly use! This can range from traditional, to digital, to clay, cloth, animation, the possibilities are endless! Just try to use something you don't normally use!


Additional Rewards:
Unique Weapon

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Betraying Your Faction:

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More info on this subject coming soon!

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A.C. Farming

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Otherwise known as Art Crystal Farming, A.C. Farming is fun little side activity you can do with your character in order to gain a hidden rank that will then be character bound regardless of what faction you're in!Basically, every time you draw your character you get an Art Crystal, you can get more Art Crystals depending on how you draw said character.Once you've earned 1,000 Art Crystals, you can show a moderator with proof and then be able to pick your hidden rank! Please be careful which one you choose, as this can NOT be changed later!

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Requirements to earn +1 A.C. : Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody OR 100 Words

Requirements to earn +2 A.C. : Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody with Flat Colors OR 250 Words

Requirements to earn +3 A.C. : Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody with Flat Colors and Shading OR 375 Words

Requirements to earn +4 A.C. : Clean Sketch or Lined Fullbody with Flat Colors, Shading, and a Background OR 500 Words

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Hidden Ranks

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These are the ranks you can choose from once you have reached 1,000 A.C.!

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Your character has been blessed by the universe and has now earned their rightful title!


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Your character has been cursed by all those that surround them and will now be known for their true nature.


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Transformed Hidden Ranks

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These are the ranks you can choose from once you have reached 1,000 A.C., picked a previous rank and draw or write a fully completed piece involving your character showing how they either became corrupted or got redeemed!

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Your character has taken their blessing and spat it back in the face of the universe, they are now corrupted and nothing seems to be able to stand in their way!


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Your character is proof that anybody can change if given a second chance, they are now the embodiment of goodwill to some degree as faith smiles upon them!


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Monthly Prompt

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Monthly prompts are fun, engaging tasks that be drawn or written in order to be able to participate.There will be a new prompt at the start of each month, including a new collectable badge upon completion you can attach to your character for collecting!The rules and requirements for prompts will change month to month, to try and give everyone a fair chance at joining and having fun.

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Current Prompt

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Art Form of the Month: !!!

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New monthly prompt coming soon, so stay tuned!

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Prompt Badge Coming Soon!

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Current Event

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Free Amories & Shoshins MYO Event coming soon so stay tuned!

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Species side by side chart coming soon!

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Here are all the currently residing species in the world of Unity! Click on any of the above names to be taken to their individual information page and learn all about them and how they each affect the ecosystem!Please keep in mind Dominant Species are the only ones that can join factions and participate in activities. Companions can still participate in main group held events though.

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Discord Server

Here is where the group is most active! In our discord servers we host our member active market, make regular announcements, hold exclusive events, and much more! Please keep in mind the server is a big W.I.P. but we'd still love to see you there! Even if the place is a little messy right now.

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ToyHouse World

Here we keep our updated masterlist, along with the active characters interacting in the world of Unity! We also sometimes hold exclusive events there, be sure to register your Unity Species here for it to be visible on the masterlist. Don't have a ToyHouse account? Message us in the server to get an invite code!

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